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Ruan Gomes

Reliability Researcher

Me in X minutes

I’m a curious INTJ guy. I like to learn new things about technology, neuroscience, philosophy, and some other areas. My hobbies involve things like reading, coding, playing video games and chess, and exercises like gym, fights, biking, and running. And yes! I have many hobbies, and I intend to have more hahaha. Oh, and I like to travel to know new places.

Right now

I’m working on cost reductions in cloud infrastructure. I’m working on my final paper too, and in general words, it’s about how to reduce the total cache capacity.

I’m learning some frontend technologies, like server-side rendering with NextJS and CSS frameworks like TailwindCSS. And I’m reading about site reliability, looking for infrastructure improvements and technologies that help to keep services efficient and reliable.

I’m training 4~5x by week, which permits me to focus on what matters.

And lately, I’m trying to get back to chess and language studies.

About the future...

I try to don’t think about things I don’t have control over, but my immediate goals are:

  • Finish the C.S. Bsc.

  • Train until I can run a half marathon

  • Improve my knowledge about technology

  • Create some posts about my life perceptions, things that I’m studying and things like that